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I don't have a NAS. I don't want or need one. But I do have the next best thing. Another computer with a spare HDD that is setup for local network sharing.If you have a modern router that has a USB port, you can plugin a external drive to that if you need access to your files while on the go.
My old server PC has a spare SSD in it that the server PC itself is not running anything from it. It's only there for backups. So, I setup local network sharing to allow other PC's on the network to use that drive for backups too. It's not the best solution. But it works for my needs.Realistically, you should use a pair of matching drives in raid 1. So, it's a mirror copy on both drives.
Well my 2tb hdd is split evenly to make G and H the same size but is still the same HDD.
A Nas isn't really practical at her place, she doesnt have the room for a second tower, the drives alone would be a few hundred and she currently doesn't have a router hooked up.
Well technically, a NAS has a very small, specially designed OS that lets you control it remotely over a network. Kind of the same way a router works.But if you have a old, spare computer kicking around that's not really usable anymore, you can chuck in a couple of HDD's and setup a file sharing pool. It's not a NAS, but you can use it as one.