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Geek / Games Discussion / Re: The trouble with and potential dangers of AI
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on August 01, 2024, 01:43:04 am »
Photoshop was responsible for that long before AI came on the scene.  So, I'm not surprised at all.

Photoshop is used only to a certain point, mainly with models and how clothing looks on said models. However, AI takes it much MUCH further.

Yeah.  But it was the leading go to at the time.  AI is trouble.  I don't like it.
I hear ya.  I too and sticking to win10 as long as I can.  Thankfully, Linux devs are still working hard on making a viable alternative to windows.
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: Well, this doesn't sound good!!!
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on August 01, 2024, 01:35:27 am »
And it's still ongoing.  They are still trying to clean up this mess.
Well, one thing about Trump, he doesn't make down and speaks a lot of truth.

Umm, what "truths" does Trump speak of?  The only thing that comes out of his fat, cheeseburger swallowing mouth are lies, deceit and grand dreams of becoming the US first convict dictator.  That's if he gets back into office.  You do know that he was recently convicted of 34 felonies and currently awaiting sentencing, right?
Spam City / Re: The WTF thread
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on August 01, 2024, 01:17:24 am »
You watch some odd stuff Jeff :P

You think?  lol
Server Announcments / Re: Our own 7 Days 2 Die server
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on August 01, 2024, 01:07:29 am »
A whole lot has changed.  I had a hard time just getting the new version to even run.  I had to clear out everything to reinstall fresh.  Since then, I have been working feverishly trying to update all my mods and prefabs to the new standard.  But I am making very slow progress.  It may take a week or 2 until it is ready to launch again.  The new character creation tool is either broken or lame as hell.  I hardly see much of any customization.

In the meanwhile, the A21.2 server is still up and running if you want to downgrade 7d2d and jump in the server to save your work.  Otherwise, it will be lost in the update.
Well, one thing about Trump, he doesn't make down and speaks a lot of truth. He isn't perfect but he doesn't pretend to be neither. I am not American but one thing you have to admire is someone who doesn't put up the pretences as all before him had. He is far far far from perfect but when you watch and hear what he says and not just focus on what the media puts out for people to hear of him, you realize wow he does say a lot of the things we have been thinking:


Somehow I could imagine him being a more successful comedian than a president. But we live in interesting times.

The funny thing is anyone who speaks the truth outside of what is "socially acceptable" tends to cause people to be hated.

Only partially related but on a bigger realm is this video of someone who causes a lot of rifts by speaking the truth:

(not as political as much as socially accepted culture).
Spam City / Re: The WTF thread
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 30, 2024, 08:30:59 pm »
Spam City / Re: The WTF thread
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 30, 2024, 08:28:39 pm »
Spam City / Re: Song of the Day
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 30, 2024, 08:21:21 pm »
Does anyone remember this song?

Ya I do but never saw the video before. There are canned peaches in those trees lol!
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