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Every now and then when I say something that is meant to be sarcastic, I will sometimes add [Sarcasm] [/Sarcasm] tags.

I must say I have never seen you do that once. :P
Spam City / Re: The WTF thread
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 30, 2024, 08:19:04 pm »
You watch some odd stuff Jeff :P
Photoshop was responsible for that long before AI came on the scene.  So, I'm not surprised at all.

Photoshop is used only to a certain point, mainly with models and how clothing looks on said models. However, AI takes it much MUCH further.
Here is another thing to make you think twice about installing Windows 11.

Ya I am sticking to Windows 10 as long as I can. They can't pull the same trick they did last time saying "THIS will be the final one now" as there is already talk of work on Windows 12 (I have been too busy to keep up this time). If they didn't want a repeat of Windows 7, they should have not lied about 10 not being the final version and just updates and not major changes to the Windows' interface usability and security and all.

" your search history is safe .. for now" ... Yeah... Microsoft .. we trust them to keep us safe... Yet they blame users for security issues in our own experiences in Windows. ...  but how could they screw up so bad that even passwords were NOT encrypted but in PLAIN TEXT?!?
I guess I worked so hard to remove unwanted features and bloat that I never noticed it?

Ah possibly! Lately it seems you have to keep looking for new bloat with every Windows update anymore :(
Server Announcments / Re: Our own 7 Days 2 Die server
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 30, 2024, 08:06:56 pm »
So as of today, 7D2D has officially climbed out of Alpha and graduated to final product.  1.0 has been released today as the stable patch.

Tons have changed.  Including having to create a new character model.  I will be working on getting the server updated this weekend.

That sounds good to me. So did you? My sleep has been messed up where I sleep a few hours and 4 hours later I am tired again and go for a couple hour nap. It is hard to do anything. But I am looking forward to new character creation and checking out the changes with the full release.
General Discussion / MOVED: Well, this doesn't sound good!!!
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 30, 2024, 08:04:09 pm »
This topic has been moved to Geek / Games Discussion because the whole thread is Geek stuff.
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: Well, this doesn't sound good!!!
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 30, 2024, 08:02:17 pm »
Oh, do I have a good one to share.  As this one affected me at work when I couldn't perform and vehicle emissions inspections because the states database servers went down for hours.

Yes Dave told me all about it and gave me links to post since he isn't posting here anymore. I am moving this entire thread to the geek section as it should have never been in the general section in the first place.

I have also found a few videos I wanted to post on this:

The ones from Dave:

Server Announcments / Re: Our own 7 Days 2 Die server
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on July 25, 2024, 11:13:55 pm »
So as of today, 7D2D has officially climbed out of Alpha and graduated to final product.  1.0 has been released today as the stable patch.

Tons have changed.  Including having to create a new character model.  I will be working on getting the server updated this weekend.
Spam City / Re: Song of the Day
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on July 22, 2024, 06:31:35 pm »
Does anyone remember this song?

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