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Server Announcments / Re: Our own 7 Days 2 Die server
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on October 04, 2024, 09:21:34 pm »
The fun pimps released yet another update.  V1.1 is out now.  I got almost every mod we had before back online, and everything seems to be working.

I did have an issue with the server rules mod.  That has been replaced with something that looks a bit nicer IMO.  A special thanks to my buddy LepeR for helping me out with that.

I have even released a couple of prefabs to the public.
Cross Trader Market Place.  And Crack A Book Haven.
Both are only on
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: Latest win 10 service pack news
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on September 27, 2024, 08:37:49 pm »
Well here is something that name prove helpful to anyone still running win10.

Geek / Games Discussion / Re: Bragging rights. Let's see what you got.
« Last post by Carnaxus on September 21, 2024, 12:20:36 am »
I'm just gonna stop by and drop a few quick pics to blow everyone's minds.
Server Announcments / Re: Our own 7 Days 2 Die server
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on August 28, 2024, 01:53:50 am »
So, at long last, our 7 Days to Die server is back online!  Updated to the new current version 1.0.  Please grab the latest Mods pack.  Link is in the first post.  Note:  Mods Full is currently not available.

There have been many changes to the game.  And along with that, many of the mods we used had to change and adapt.  So, there are many mod features you may remember from A21.  A few have been lost, but there are a few new ones too.  Most, if not all of our custom POIs got a makeover.  Some will be more noticeable than others.
Spam City / Re: Song of the Day
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on August 26, 2024, 12:55:54 am »
I don't know what it is about this song.  It feels soothing and uplifting in a sense.  And I kind of like it.

Spam City / Re: Song of the Day
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on August 25, 2024, 02:04:37 pm »
HAHAHA!  What the heck did I just watch?

Spam City / Re: Song of the Day
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on August 23, 2024, 08:32:42 pm »
The other day, I was listening to a random YouTube play list and heard a song called Smooth Criminal from Alien Ant Farm.  I decided to look up who originally wrote that song.  So, I will let anyone else be the judge.  Who did it better?

Original:  Michael Jackson.  Smooth Criminal.

Or, Remake:  Alien Ant Farm.  Smooth Criminal.
Spam City / Re: Song of the Day
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on August 22, 2024, 06:23:06 pm »
Here is one I heard on the radio today and couldn't get it out of my head.

Cause I don't do it very often.  Besides, the times I did it here got lost in the database corruption when we lost more than half of the forums posts.
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: The trouble with and potential dangers of AI
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on August 01, 2024, 01:43:04 am »
Photoshop was responsible for that long before AI came on the scene.  So, I'm not surprised at all.

Photoshop is used only to a certain point, mainly with models and how clothing looks on said models. However, AI takes it much MUCH further.

Yeah.  But it was the leading go to at the time.  AI is trouble.  I don't like it.
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