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General Discussion / Re: Decluttering your home space
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on Today at 09:11:07 am »
  • You Own Lots of Duplicates or Products With Tags
    I have very few, if no duplicates of things I don't use.

  • You Don't Have Any Free Surfaces
    Well, okay.  That's kind of true.

  • You Don't Look Forward to Returning Home
    Not true.

I find that duplicates and tags, tend to be more for those who are shopaholics to be honest. Typically women (and since I am a woman I CAN say that lol). This is because women are more likely to do a lot of shopping for that perfect clothing item but then be tired when they get home, put it aside and then forget about it. Sometimes if they put it aside for too long they forget they bought it and see it again and like it and buy another. Other times they remember they bought it but the right event to wear the item to does not come up so they forget they did not take the tag off it and never wear it. Sometimes they even outgrow it and can't even get into it and become depressed about it. I am not saying this is me but what is typical for women. Probably typical for gay males as well but I would not know.

The no free surfaces I think depends more on a few factors: Size of space, space of living with amount of surface space for stuff, and where you spend most of your time with an flat surface where you access that stuff the most. The stuff will mostly accumulate in the area you spend the most time at but depending on if you do the in/out method won't build up. Other surface areas may be used as storage instead and stay cluttered for the reason of nowhere to put it. I know my mom has a problem with paper clutter. She prints out a lot of stuff but refuses to get a filing cabinet as she lives in a small space and does not know where she would put one. So she has stacks of paper on her table and coffee table. She does keep the end tables clear though. So for her it seems to be areas she spends the most time at. Her desk is full of papers but in neat stacks so she has some sort of organization.

When it comes to not wanting to go back home and enjoying time somewhere else, that is more typical of people who feel their homes have gotten out of control and have somewhere else they like to go that they do feel equally at home in. I think for us, we all feel most comfortable in our own homes so it does not apply. But for those who have a family member, they like to visit all the time and then don't look forward to going home, or go out drinking and partying and don't look forward to going home, that would be true for them. I know I look forward to going home. I am free in my own home. I rest in my own home. I have control over my own space in my own home.
Me and Squaz tested all the Aid thoroughly and man is the google one baaaaaad. How can a company like google make such a shit product, and microsoft partnering with openai was the best idea. I’m pretty sure the openai version (not chatgpt, some internal LLM) is very close to the Singularity.

Ha that reminds me of how bad translations are with Google.
Spam City / Re: Last Man/Woman Posting
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on Today at 08:31:01 am »
Didn't we used to have a censor feature that would blur if we wanted to by clicking a spoiler button?

Spoiler (hover to show)

Oh THAT would have worked but I could not find the spoiler button. I still ... OH ... okay it is because the image is broken I guess ...

I see this (attachment).

Trying to find an image small enough that is sharp and clear on what it means is difficult but searching for something like his:

No that image is only resized smaller in code. Not in image size itself. Still looking.

But once I Do I will WIN! ;)

🫣 <== can you use this?

OKay I added a few I resized and the 5th one I edited myself and made it transparent and then resized but think it looks the best. The others I found to not be clear what it even means once resized but I think the eye says it best...

Any ideas of what image would be better?
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: KT's Cyber Security Thread
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on Today at 08:09:29 am »
I think the last version of Norton I have ever used was Norton system works for windows 95/98.  It was garbage then, and it's far worse now.  MacAfee used to have a standalone tool called Macafee Stinger that did help me fix a few computers back in the day.  But it's useless now.  And I can't tell you how many times I had to fix a computer that got so bogged down with "PC Repair Utilities" that they became completely unusable.  We are talking nearly 30-minute boot times for a very trimmed down install of windows.  And 5-to-ten-minute response time clicking on any app.

I had one client that had so many tool bars installed on their browser that you could only see maybe 5 lines of text at the very bottom.  I got so fuming mad at them for that.  They didn't see that as a problem.

Oh man those dreaded browser bars! Yes I have seen people who just clicked install with any popup that told them to install those because they are "fun" not realizing they slow things down and are definitely not needed. I haven't seen anyone do that in the last few years but they were bad back then. The only ones I have seen use a bunch of PC Repair programs were people who fell for those Window Popups that say your computer is at risk and to click accept and installs those. That was back in the time before tech call-center scams I find. Now even the scam centers will uninstall the extras and just run one when they are rummaging through people's computers to find bank info they can steal.
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: Tech Support Stories
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on Today at 07:59:17 am »
Like this one? It is a playlist as well on PC building but many vids before 2020:

Server Announcments / Re: Our own 7 Days 2 Die server
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on Today at 12:46:19 am »
Fixed an issue with Castle Keep not spawning any zombies on the 2nd floor.  It would appear that I made a mistake in the 2nd floor sleeper volume with the group spawn size allowances.  Also, made a huge number of cosmetic changes though-out.

Made a few changes to Crack-a-Book Haven.  I removed the spiral stairs and made nicer looking and easier to use staircases.  Moved some bookshelves around and fixed up the parking lot.

General Discussion / Re: Well, this doesn't sound good!!!
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on Today at 12:15:39 am »
I've actually heard about scams like this.

Geek / Games Discussion / Re: Tech Support Stories
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on May 30, 2024, 10:28:54 pm »
That makes sense actually.  Since there are cases where some videos could be part of a multi part series.  It helps fuel that binge watching state of mind.  lol
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: Windows Update issues - in the News
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on May 30, 2024, 10:24:56 pm »
"Bitlocker - we make your computer so secure that even you can't use your own computer!"

Totally disgraceful.  But you're not wrong.
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: Cool Software Stuff
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on May 30, 2024, 10:20:34 pm »
I've been hearing a lot of talk about DLSS and FSR.  Sure, DLSS is fine-tuned and only available for Nvidia cards.  But only for the generation of card it was tuned for.  So DLSS 1 works for the RTX 20 series cards.  Where DLSS 3 only works on the RTX 40 series.  You get the picture?  AMD on the other hand felt this was absurd.  So, they made their FSR work on all of their cards, regardless of what generation it is.  Mind you, it won't work on legacy cards.  Only cards that are still getting driver update support.  Which makes sense really.  But AMD raised the bar and made FSR work on Nvidia cards as well.  All the way back to the 10 series if I'm not mistaken.  And from what I have been hearing, FSR 3 may actually support Intel cards too.  But XESS was not mentioned in that video so....
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