I thought I would post since my walk is only 15 days away (on Sept 22nd) and I am only 7% the way to my goal.
Anyway I can't believe how fast time flies! I have been so busy that I haven't spread the word like previous years.
Anyway I am walking at my Kidney Walk celebrating now 6 years with my new kidney. I will be walking Sept 22nd in the morning. If I raise $100 I get a shirt and breakfast! Woohoo! Yeah .. they decided only in the last month not to include breakfast unless that much is raised. I predict a backlash so I told them at the walk meeting to be flexible this year and in form people for next year's walk.
Anyway I am kinda nervous because I am a team leader and so far my team is not doing very well. I hope it will pick up. But there are a lot of things I wanted to do ... like get into better shape for walking 5 k

I cannot believe it is already September! I mean .. WHERE did the year go??? Am I the only one who thinks it went by way too fast?
Okay so here it is instead of me going on with nothing to say
KT's Kidney Walk
Sept 22nd, 2013
Online donations: Katie's Kidney Walk link (Deadline is Sept 19th for online donations).
If you happen to be in Southwestern Ontario, Canada .. I invite you to walk with me!

I would love to have more than a couple people with me hehe.
Wish me luck!