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General Discussion / Re: [Current year] is wild, here’s proof
« Last post by Kodiac on May 27, 2024, 01:18:43 am »
This is California style thinking. Dunno how to explain it. But it’s all dumb.
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: The trouble with and potential dangers of AI
« Last post by Kodiac on May 27, 2024, 01:16:44 am »
Me and Squaz tested all the Aid thoroughly and man is the google one baaaaaad. How can a company like google make such a shit product, and microsoft partnering with openai was the best idea. I’m pretty sure the openai version (not chatgpt, some internal LLM) is very close to the Singularity.
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: KT's Cyber Security Thread
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 27, 2024, 12:29:08 am »

Does not surprise me as Google Results haven't been what they used to be for a long time now. Not with them assuming and directing your searches "thinking for you" instead of being true results based on updated times and relevant wording and giving you results not what best match what you are looking for but what they want you to find.  Also the way AI Overview is to work will be bad for small, new sites trying to get indexed my search engines to get listed in search engines and seen by more visitors.

Also Bing already uses AI in their searches the way Google's AI Overview is shown in this video. The thing is that these search results are not verified and can be the most absurd results as well as in Google you can probably expect paid results to be searched first for the information it grabs.
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: KT's Cyber Security Thread
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 26, 2024, 10:52:06 pm »
When modding a game you must get the mods from a trusted source but even then .. have any of you ever run into a mod for a game you play that had malware in it?

I used to run a few mods on my WoW account back in the day including at least one he mentioned but never had any issues and never had an account stolen. But back then I did not worry about these risks as I wasn't into security yet (well, very little back then. I was aware but not truly aware of the extent of its reach).

And the background mining I had mentioned before but did not know was a thing until this year.
Spam City / Re: Last Man/Woman Posting
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 26, 2024, 10:47:07 pm »

Didn't we used to have a censor feature that would blur images if we wanted to by clicking a spoiler button?

General Discussion / Re: [Current year] is wild, here’s proof
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 26, 2024, 10:39:36 pm »
Screw that.  If I had just come back from vacation and found someone else living in my house.  I'm gripping them up and throwing them the heck out.

Ya don't move to Seatle WA. That is crazy! But like most laws that came about to help temporarily fix a problem and then was not followed up, creates a bigger problem that no one wants to deal with and people suffer.
General Discussion / Re: Katie's Cancer Journey (Dec 2023 - 2028)
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 26, 2024, 10:36:11 pm »
Rebandaging my boob incision made me pee more blue ... so now I feel like my boob is one of those squeeze things of blue icing :P
General Discussion / Re: Decluttering your home space
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 26, 2024, 10:34:44 pm »
8 Signs You Have Too Much Stuff and It's Time to Declutter

  • You Can Never Find What You Need, When You Need It
  • You Own Lots of Duplicates or Products With Tags
  • The Idea of Doing Chores Is Overly Daunting
  • Things Are Never in the Right Place
  • You Don't Have Any Free Surfaces
  • You Have More Than One Junk Drawer
  • Your Home Is Filled With Expired Goods
  • You Don't Look Forward to Returning Home
General Discussion / Re: Decluttering your home space
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on May 26, 2024, 10:32:23 pm »
Covid :

Trained people not to go outside and not interact
Killed people
Broke families
Ended businesses
Bankrupted small businesses
Decreased the quality of healthcare permanently
Put us in a depression (economic)
Broke everyone’s habit cycle
And let’s be honest, changed the path of human history, kinda like events that happen every 400 years.

Not minimizing everything that happenned to you, just saying that the way humanity handled covid did way more than we think. And i am sure some of those things affect you in a way or another, even if you say you were already there.

Not that it did not affect me but that because of how I already lived it did not impact me as much as some who fell into a deep depression.

I was already living as a hermit and spent most of my social time online as it was. I was already practicing the medical habits due to already being immunosuppressed and the fact that masks and hand washing became more commonplace was easier on me.

But I do agree that health care has plummeted and is much worse than I have seen it in many aspects even though I have seen many of the things that have come to life even as far back as 2008. Just was pushed under the rug easier back then.

Family was the worst part. The divide. There was a very clear distinction in families between those pushing the shot and those opposed to it. It really brought out a different side in people at times as well if not on the fence but strongly on one side or the other. There was a lack of searching for truth and believing and pushing all that was told to you. There was also a lot of paranoia that led people to not be able to distinguish fact from "fake news" pushing cures that did not exist. So much confusion. It definitely became the Age of Confusion for sure.  Some family members outright cut off connections to some families due to their views and others called the rest sheep, putting them down and insulting them. Communication deteriorated. Clear lines were drawn in cases while gray lines widened.

And the ones who could not handle the breakdown of families and the separation of loved ones and the lack of hugs and time with them, especially those who live alone and depend on emotional help, fell into a downward spiral of depression that affected them long-term. For them, it was easier to fall out of strict practices of self-care and care of their environment and living space. A lot more people have fallen into clutter, disarray and chaos in their home and their lives. Financial goals had to be rearranged and many who lost loved ones ended up with their stuff and no energy to deal with it all.

For me, I already had too much stuff before Covid. That is why I don't blame Covid for my home space situation.  For others, it could be the main cause.
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