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Spam City / Re: Last Man/Woman Posting
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on July 04, 2024, 09:54:59 pm »
Go ahead and step on my back.  Ahhh, that's the spot.   :D

I did that to you irl before right?

I believe you did try to.
General Discussion / Re: Katie's Cancer Journey (Dec 2023 - 2028)
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 04, 2024, 02:47:13 am »
Man oh man, things for you sound like it's getting kind of rough.  But got to get a handle on those finances for sure.  Maybe there is some way that you can earn a little something on the side to help get you by?  I really don't know how but there has to be something you can do.  But keep on hanging in there Angie.  You'll get through this cancer thing eventually.

Thanks. Ya the only thing I could think of would be working on Pesky Pete's website again but I really don't want to as he takes advantage of everyone he gets to work for him. He is super lazy with huge ambitions. He is the type who has big dreams but wants to ride someone else's coat tails.

I have my mom coming with me tomorrow for the radiation oncologist. I have enjoyed the earlier appointments this week but tomorrow's is in the early afternoon instead. It will be even harder to get parking than it already is (pretty much guaranteed that even people who can't walk have to part at the far end of the parking lot due to all the spots taken up for most of the 8am - 4pm time slot and my appointment is 1:45pm). I am just glad I can walk but feel bad for those who walk with crutches, canes, and walkers. But I will update tomorrow when I have more info on my future radiation and when that will start and if it will be 5 days a week every week as originally planned.
Microsoft is pretty confident they can make everyone do as they want by now. Win 10 support ending will push more to Win 11.

Then I will stay on Win 10 or find another option if need be.  I will NOT be going back to Win 11.

How was your experience with Windows 11 before you installed Windows 10? I forget what my idea was when I asked this on the Win 10 updates but if we eventually are going to be forced to Windows 11 I want to know what you hated the most about it.
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: Latest win 10 service pack news
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 04, 2024, 02:34:17 am »
and we will still have Win 10 for at least the rest of this year right?

Till October of 2025 for the normal EOL agreement.  There is talk of a 3-year extension.  But I honestly don't believe that to be a cost effective option for the average user.

It would still help those who can't afford to upgrade their computers to be able to handle Windows 11 in the current economy though.
Linus Tech Tips did a couple of videos on daily driving a Linux OS for gaming and streaming.  It took those guys quite some time to install, setup and configure compatible software in order just to play some games.  And I don't think any of them managed to sort out all the kinks.

I've tried messing around with my other laptop Acer Aspire V 17 Nitro Black Edition using a spare SSD I have, to install Knoppix first.  Then Ubuntu.  Both ran on the system very well for the most part.  But making it able to play steam games was a nightmare.

Usually those OS's have lower resource requirements so I could install it on one of my dad's old laptops (not gaming computers) just to get a feel without putting it on my main computer but as far as gaming they can't handle games even on Windows lol.
Spam City / Re: Last Man/Woman Posting
« Last post by KT 💣 KλBoƠM on July 04, 2024, 02:29:33 am »
Go ahead and step on my back.  Ahhh, that's the spot.   :D

I did that to you irl before right?
General Discussion / Re: Katie's Cancer Journey (Dec 2023 - 2028)
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on July 02, 2024, 11:15:13 pm »
Man oh man, things for you sound like it's getting kind of rough.  But got to get a handle on those finances for sure.  Maybe there is some way that you can earn a little something on the side to help get you by?  I really don't know how but there has to be something you can do.  But keep on hanging in there Angie.  You'll get through this cancer thing eventually.
Linus Tech Tips did a couple of videos on daily driving a Linux OS for gaming and streaming.  It took those guys quite some time to install, setup and configure compatible software in order just to play some games.  And I don't think any of them managed to sort out all the kinks.

I've tried messing around with my other laptop Acer Aspire V 17 Nitro Black Edition using a spare SSD I have, to install Knoppix first.  Then Ubuntu.  Both ran on the system very well for the most part.  But making it able to play steam games was a nightmare.
Geek / Games Discussion / Re: Latest win 10 service pack news
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on July 02, 2024, 10:27:50 pm »
How was that experience (or should we talk about that in the "Windows 11 - Do we want it or can we even handle it?" thread?)

The system that I got Win 11 with, now runs Win 10.  So lets continue that discussion there.

and we will still have Win 10 for at least the rest of this year right?

Till October of 2025 for the normal EOL agreement.  There is talk of a 3-year extension.  But I honestly don't believe that to be a cost effective option for the average user.
Spam City / Re: Last Man/Woman Posting
« Last post by Sandman[SA] on July 02, 2024, 10:18:08 pm »
Go ahead and step on my back.  Ahhh, that's the spot.   :D
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