I thought it was just me that noticed that
I hate air mattresses 
It wasn't just you. But using an air mattress is far better than not using one when you're sleeping in the bed of a pickup truck on a camping trip. lol
Ha true but even a tilted bed is better than the sleeping bed I have. Perhaps I just did not blow it up enough. They say most people don't.
I just got home after dropping my mom off. She said it was not going to rain but on my way home looking at the clouds that were very dark my mom was not concerned but I was. Then I drove into the wall of the storm and it was an outright downpour. As I parked at my place I had to pull up my CRV to to door just to get the groceries out and leave them at the door and then park. The parking lot was flooded and for the first time these shoes that are usually great in the rain got my feet drenched and I could wring out my shirt and that was with an umbrella!
The thing is the weather even online said it was not supposed to rain for us.
Then I looked at that same map zoomed out and realized you should be getting hit pretty hard too. A lot of storms lately in the USA and you guys send them to me

But can you believe the map and weather for my area was saying no need for an umbrella today?